100 Followers! We did it

Muneeb Saeed
3 min readSep 28, 2022
Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. We finally reached 100 followers on this incredible platform. These last few moments honestly reminded me of a scene from “The Social Network” movie when Sean Parker asked one of the Facebook employees to show the number of Facebook users on a big screen in the office when they were about to hit 1 million members. I know this small milestone isn’t even close to 1 million users on an app, but oh well (hope that joke kinda made you laugh!)

I wanted to genuinely thank all my audience for engaging with my content. Every clap, response, share follow meant the world to me!

Here are a couple of lessons that I learned that I’ll continue to implement as we grow this blog together. These are meant for people who want to start writing on medium but don’t know where to begin.

  1. Done is better than perfect!

I know it sounds super cliche but you have to realize that the best post doesn’t necessarily make it. It's about getting your article out in the machine as soon as possible so the algorithm pushes it towards other readers. Every person has their own unique style of writing, so don't compare yourself to other people.

2. Value

Make sure that what you’re saying is adding some sort of value to the lives of your audience. Think about what you’re good at, and just write as much as you can about that topic.

3. Relatable

In order to captivate your audience, it is crucial to make your post super relatable. It's not complicated to find some common ground between the people you are targetting and yourself. For instance, I am passionate about business, so my articles will attract people who want to learn about corporations, startups, sales, etc. In the internet age, there is literally a market for almost anything, so don’t overthink it.

4. Use hashtags

When publishing your article, make sure to add relevant hashtags to optimize the probability of your article coming up in other people’s feeds

5. Don't make it too abstract

I get that this tip may be subjective since a lot of people do actually enjoy reading about abstract topics. However, the vast majority of the market on medium read blogs for fun, and not as a research paper, so make your posts humorous, engaging, and creative.

6. Engage with other writers in the comments

I can't emphasize this enough! I believe the core reason why I’ve been able to gain 83 followers in the past 30 days alone is that I aggressively engage with people in the comments. Do your best to add value to other writers to make yourself known in the medium community.

Once again, thank you so much for supporting this blog, you will see some stunning articles in the very near future.

Signing off…..






Muneeb Saeed

Love to write! Just sharing some insights on sales, tech and lifestyle