5 Quick reasons why pursuing a career in tech or sales is underrated

Muneeb Saeed
4 min readJul 8, 2022
Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash

In any organization, there are different departments responsible for their respective roles. For instance, HR is responsible for hiring new team members, the operations team works on product development, salespeople bring in more customers, and so on and so forth.

However, the most important role of any company is sales. Sales are what fuels all the other departments. Without sales, there is no revenue, which means no payroll, no investments in improving the product….. (you see where I am going with this)

Selling software is a great profession to get into if you have a tech and sales background. A software sales representative can make really good money if they have a large network of people that allows them to make sales through referrals. Like any sales job, it does with come with stress and work, but it pays dividends in the long term.

On the other hand, computer programming is a skill like any other. I like to think of it as playing a sport, it requires hard work and drills for you to get better at it. In fact, I would even go as far as to say it’s a superpower that allows you to communicate with a machine.

Here are 5 reasons why you should pursue a career In tech:

  1. Our world is full of technology: The IT field is extremely broad and there are many areas that offer great careers. This isn’t just limited to programming software, but every company in the world today requires engineers to manage databases, create reports, project revenue numbers, etc.
  2. You become totally independent of a job: If at any point, you decide to become a startup entrepreneur, you have all the skill set to do it without hiring someone else. Especially in today’s day in age, when there is an app for literally almost any service you can think of. That being said, no business can survive without being mobile because it's just not convenient enough for the customer. That’s exactly where engineers come in to build an amazing app and boy do they charge a lot!
  3. Opportunites for side hustles: There are literally dozens of ways you can make side income with code. To name just a few, you can offer freelancing services to small businesses. This can include building small games, graphic designing, helping students with college assignments, creating a programming course and selling it online, etc.
  4. The pay rise. You don’t have to be working at Faang (even though they pay the highest salaries to their employees). Even moderate-level companies pay their employees 80–100k per year depending on your experience.
  5. Sense of Meaning: Programming is an extremely meaningful career because you work on improving technology that solves real-world problems. Human beings by nature find fulfillment when they build something themselves.

Interesting fun fact

What do some of the most successful CEOS like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Tim Cook, and Mary Barra have in common? Other than the fact that they are geniuses, they all have engineering backgrounds which makes them incredible at critical thinking and risk management.

Pursuing a career in tech will train you to break down complex problems into smaller pieces that fit together like a puzzle. Programming, in particular, can get really frustrating because it forces you to come up with a creative solution, most commonly known as fixing a bug in your code. This skill of problem-solving is where innovative ideas are born.

Computer Programmer + Sales = gold

All businesses need 2 strong components to succeed: A great product and a killer salesperson. When starting a business, you have to sell your vision to people who you know could bring value to your startup. But if you can become a combination of both, you are a rare asset to every industry.

Closing Remarks

The advancement of technology has drastically changed our lives for the better. There are many jobs which are going to get replaced by robots, like say cashier, warehouse workers, farming, etc. But the funny thing is we need engineers to program these robots in the first place.

Whatever profession you get yourself into, it is imperative to have at least a basic understanding of IT in our ever-changing world. One thing that people don’t realize is that making a positive impact has a direct correlation with two core things that all humans crave for: more money 💴 and happiness.

Our careers consume a significant portion of our lives, so we should explore as much as we can to find the path that works best for us. But more importantly, excel in that area and focus on making the world a better place.

Hope you found this post vaguely interesting, would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. Cheers.



Muneeb Saeed

Love to write! Just sharing some insights on sales, tech and lifestyle